3 Valuable Lessons from Closing my First Deal

3 Valuable Lessons from Closing my First Deal
Photo by Artur Aldyrkhanov / Unsplash

This week has had a clear highlight—I closed my first deal! It’s been a challenging journey to reach this point, marked by countless rejections and setbacks. So, to finally put pen to paper and secure my first deal was incredibly rewarding. In this article, I'd like to share three strategies that helped me get this deal across the finish line—strategies I plan to continually adopt in future negotiations:

Craft your buyer's journey

For this particular deal, the prospect was highly price-sensitive and had many concerns. I recognized early on that this wouldn't be a short sales cycle due to the prospect's hesitancy and budget constraints. I understood that a personalized approach and vigilant supervision would be necessary for this deal. My role was to guide the prospect through every concern and instill the confidence needed for them to make a decision. Although it required numerous calls and in-depth discussions, I knew this was what the situation demanded. My commitment and patience eventually persuaded the prospect to sign a deal with us. The more conversations we had, the more I could convey trust, competence, and expertise. This, in turn, enabled the prospect to arrive at a decision.

Cold-calling isn’t just for cold leads

Increasing your touch points with prospects can enhance trust and improve your chances of closing a deal. Cold-calling, often associated solely with new leads, is a crucial tactic even for existing deals, especially when engaging with champions. Each call presents a prime opportunity to identify potential roadblocks and address them proactively. By reaching out, you portray yourself not merely as a seller, but as a genuinely helpful partner, eager to deliver the solution. As the seller, you should control and guide the buying experience. Regular check-ins can help you stay a serious contender in the decision-making process. A lengthy sales cycle often reduces the likelihood of a deal's conversion. By maintaining bi-weekly contact with the prospect, I gained a deeper understanding of their underlying concerns and possible roadblocks. This insight allowed me to provide the prospect with more information and foster certainty about us as a recruiting partner.

Patience and persistence are key

At times, it felt like the deal could fall apart. I understood that as time passed, the likelihood of success decreased. I had to remind myself not to become fixated on the outcome, as this mindset can lead to being overly aggressive in conversations. No one wants to interact with a pushy seller. Do you enjoy being pressured into a decision? Neither do I. Keeping this in mind, allowing things to unfold, and persisting through challenges helped me stay patient and composed throughout the sales cycle, ultimately leading to a successful outcome.

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