The Lean-Seller: This Startup-Framework can help you close more

The Lean-Seller: This Startup-Framework can help you close more
Photo by Jexo / Unsplash

One thing I enjoy most about working in sales is that it is right at the intersection between working for some one else and being your own boss – while you are growing a business for your company, how you go about it is ultimately up to you. That's why it is not unusual for sellers to end up starting their own companies. They have tried, failed and persisted to split-test their way to generate business successfully. And, they learned how to become self-sufficient in the process. All good habits to build for a first-time founder!

The Lean-Startup-Methodology, coined by Eric Riess, is a great framework to use for any Startup, but is equally relevant to our careers as Salespeople. Being an effective seller requires more than just intuition and persistence; it demands a strategic approach. As Salespeople, we can track our call activity, conversion rates and sales cycle length--this valuable data helps us split-test our way to more closings.

This is extremely valuable and unique to our field! Product teams often have months of delay, to see whether a feature generated enough interest. We can see almost instantly how our own behavior / pitches affect our performance. This can be used to truly gage your progress and strategize.

The Lean Startup methodology is about quickly building a basic version of your idea, measuring its effectiveness, and continuously adapting based on feedback to improve it.

Here's how you can use it as a closer:

  1. Start with a Minimum Viable Approach (MVA)

Just as startups focus on a Minimum Viable Product, salespeople should begin with a Minimum Viable Approach. This includes:

  • Basic Tools: Don't wait for the perfect CRM or sales software. Start with the essentials that you have.
  • Focused Offering: Rather than presenting a wide array of products or services, begin with one or two key offerings to gauge interest.
  • Streamlined Pitch: Keep your sales pitch straightforward and genuine, avoiding overly complex presentations or promises.
  1. Measure Performance through Key Metrics

Once your MVA is in play, it’s crucial to measure its effectiveness:

  • Conversion Rates: Understand how many prospects are turning into customers.
  • Customer Feedback: Gather insights from clients to refine your sales approach.
  • Sales Cycle Length: Track the time it takes to close a deal, aiming for efficiency without sacrificing quality.
  1. Learn and Pivot

Armed with performance data and feedback:

  • Refine Your Offering: Are your products or services meeting the needs of your clients? Is there a need to adjust your approach or focus?
  • Optimize Your Sales Process: Identify bottlenecks in your sales cycle and find ways to streamline the process.
  • Engage with Prospects: Foster relationships with potential customers through personalized follow-ups and by addressing their specific needs.
  1. Build - Measure - Learn: Rinse and Repeat

Embrace the cyclical process of the Lean Startup methodology:

  • Enhance Tools and Techniques: Invest in better CRM tools or sales training based on your learning.
  • Diversify Strategies: Experiment with different sales channels or techniques based on feedback.
  • Scale Up: As your conversion rates improve, look for opportunities to expand your reach and offerings.
  1. Embrace the 'Fail Fast' Mentality

In sales, not every pitch will win a client, and that's okay. The 'fail fast' mindset encourages:

  • Resilience: Viewing setbacks as learning opportunities reduces the fear of rejection and encourages continuous improvement.
  • Adaptability: Each challenge offers insights into customer behavior, helping you tailor your approach more effectively.
  • Sustainable Growth: Growth based on learning and adapting is more enduring and less reliant on sporadic successes.

Applying Lean Startup principles in sales offers a path to more efficient and effective selling. It’s about starting with what you have, learning from every interaction, and continuously refining your approach. This method not only enhances your ability to generate a robust sales pipeline but also ensures a more adaptable and resilient sales strategy. Remember, in sales, as in startups, it’s not just what you sell, but how you sell it. Start lean, iterate quickly, and watch your sales performance soar.

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