This Trait is a Bigger Predictor of Success in Sales than IQ and Talent

This Trait is a Bigger Predictor of Success in Sales than IQ and Talent
Photo by Jeremy Lapak / Unsplash

Can you identify the strongest predictor of success and longevity among Sales professionals?


The other day, I stumbled upon the research of Angela Duckworth, who coined the term. Her research is fascinating and highly useful.

She found that grit was a better predictor of success and retention for students and working professionals alike than factors like IQ or talent across various domains. Her work suggests that individuals with higher levels of grit tend to achieve greater success in their chosen fields.

So, what defines grit? It's a combination of passion and perseverance in the pursuit of long-term goals.

Passion: Gritty individuals have a strong and enduring interest in what they do. They have a sense of purpose and are deeply committed to their goals. This passion provides the motivation and drive to keep them going even when facing challenges.

Perseverance: Gritty individuals demonstrate consistent effort and determination in working towards their objectives. They don't give up easily, even in the face of obstacles, failures, or setbacks. Instead, they maintain their focus and continue to strive for improvement.

Duckworth's research suggests that grit is a better predictor of success than traditional measures like IQ or talent. More on the topic from my favorite Sales Author David Hoffeld in his book Sell More with Science:

Here's the science-backed reality: Success is hard enough to attain, and not having grit makes it even harder. Without grit, salespeople will often see their effort and interest in a goal decline when they face failure or adversity or hit a plateau. Gritty salespeople, o the other hand, approach their goals like runners approach a marathon, slowly and steadily building toward them, and their advantage is that tenacity. They don't give up when pursuing their dream clients, they look for solutions instead of quitting when faced with challenges, and they persist until they get the job done. In short, gritty salespeople are far more likely to achieve what they set out to do.

The individuals who are not afraid to get their hands dirty, go the extra mile, and view their careers as a source of fulfillment tend to last longer and get more opportunities to close deals.

In my eyes, sales is not just about making a killing. It's about being driven by something that you truly enjoy and realizing your full potential.

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