Todd Herman, the Coach Who Transforms Lives in 90 Days

Todd Herman, the Coach Who Transforms Lives in 90 Days
Photo by Braden Collum / Unsplash

This week, I stumbled upon the work of Todd Herman. He is the creator of "The 90 Day Year", a program designed to accelerate results for business owners and teams. Todd is also the author of "The Alter Ego Effect", where he delves into the power of secret identities to transform one's life, both professionally and personally.

Drawing from his extensive experience working with Olympians, executives, and public figures, Todd offers a unique perspective on mindset and the psychology of success that I aim to explore in this article.

The 90-Day Framework:

Todd believes that long-term goals are often overvalued. He refers to them as "visions". For him, achieving goals is all about closing feedback loops; this entails setting a goal with a specific due date and subsequently evaluating the results. If goals are set too far into the future, one cannot effectively close the feedback loop and draw the right conclusions.

Ninety days represents the ideal timeframe. It's distant enough to require a strategic plan, yet near enough to maintain a tangible sense of how today's actions impact the goal. This is why setting goals in three-month sprints is most effective.

However, setting goals without an action plan is futile. Todd insists that every goal should be underpinned by the 4 W's: Who will do what, when, and where. Why such specificity? He states that uncertainty about actions is a major hurdle to confidence and momentum.

It's crucial to focus on the process for setting goals. The outcome, often beyond our control, is secondary to the process.

We often let emotional baggage hinder our progress, resulting in procrastination and inaction. Todd suggests an effective strategy to navigate this is by adopting a persona or an "alter ego" free from these insecurities. For instance, he assisted Kobe Bryant in developing the "Black Mamba" alter ego—a fearless competitor with a superhuman mindset, always ready to win.

Imagine the potential: How would you perform if you were someone unfazed by insecurities?

For a deeper dive into this topic, I recommend listening to this podcast episode: [How to Do Anything in 90 Days with Todd Herman](

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