Why Charisma Matters in Sales and how to Improve it
One of the reasons I love working in sales is that studying human nature is an integral part of advancing, regardless of what industry your selling to. Studying human behavior can have an tangible, positive impact on how you perform. My most recent read, the Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox, touches on the potential charisma has to boost your business performance and generally attract better business and personal relationships in your life.
Charisma is often seen as an innate trait, but in her book Olivia Fox Cabane argues that it can be learned and developed through specific exercises. In this article, we will explore the importance of charisma in sales and how you can improve your charisma through these exercises.
Why Charisma Matters in Sales
There have been several studies that have explored the link between charisma and sales effectiveness. One such study was conducted by the University of British Columbia's Sauder School of Business and published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 2015.
The study involved 86 salespeople who were rated on their levels of charisma and sales effectiveness. The researchers found that salespeople who were rated as more charismatic were more effective at closing deals, even after controlling for other factors such as product knowledge and experience.
The study's lead author, Professor Karl Aquino, stated, "Charismatic salespeople are able to establish stronger connections with customers, which translates into greater sales success. Charisma is something that can be learned and developed, and our research suggests that it's an important skill for salespeople to have."
Developing Charisma through Exercises
While some people may naturally possess charisma, it's also a skill that can be developed through practice. In "The Charisma Myth," Cabane presents several exercises that can help you develop and improve your charisma. Here are a few exercises that are particularly useful for salespeople:
Focus on your body language
Body language plays a crucial role in charisma. By improving your body language, you can project confidence, authority, and authenticity. Practice standing tall with your shoulders back, making eye contact with people, and using hand gestures to emphasize your points.
Practice active listening
Active listening involves paying attention to what people are saying and responding thoughtfully. When you actively listen to customers, you can build rapport with them and show that you value their opinions. Practice asking open-ended questions and repeating back what customers have said to demonstrate that you are fully engaged in the conversation.
Find common ground
People tend to be drawn to those who share their interests and values. By finding common ground with customers, you can build a connection and make them feel understood. Practice asking customers about their interests and hobbies, and look for opportunities to connect over shared experiences.
Use positive language
Positive language can help you build trust and inspire confidence in customers. Avoid negative language or phrases that may come across as confrontational or aggressive. Instead, use language that is positive, affirming, and supportive.
Practice visualization
Visualization involves imagining yourself in specific situations and practicing how you would respond. By visualizing successful sales interactions, you can build confidence and improve your ability to connect with customers. Practice visualizing yourself in various sales scenarios, and imagine how you would use your charisma to build rapport with customers.
By focusing on your body language, practicing active listening, finding common ground with customers, using positive language, and visualizing successful sales interactions, you can improve your charisma and become a more effective salesperson.
While some people may naturally possess charisma, it's important to remember that it's a skill that can be learned and developed over time. Use the exercise above, as outlined in "The Charisma Myth," to improve your charisma and watch your results improve!