Why I work with a Coach

Why I work with a Coach
Photo by Xuan Nguyen / Unsplash

Before starting my first closing role I knew I would need a lot of support in the first months. In fact, I still do. I decided that to make my life a bit easier when adjusting to a new role, I would seek help from a professional coach. This was a game changer and really changed the way I look at my work. I don’t think I will ever work without having a coach guiding me in the right direction and keeping me accountable to achievable goals.

We often look at coaching as something that only athletes need, but the benefits of having a coach aren’t unique to sports. Unsurprisingly, the highest performers in most industries receive 1:1 mentorship in some shape of form. Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, attributed much of his success to his mentor Bill Campbell. Known as "The Coach" in Silicon Valley, Campbell coached and mentored numerous tech leaders, including Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and Larry Page. Schmidt has spoken about how Campbell's guidance helped him become a better leader and navigate the challenges of running a tech giant like Google. But it's not only tech CEOs that benefit from coaching/mentorship.

A renowned study by psychologist K. Anders Ericsson confirms that coaching is the deciding differentiator between amateurs and professionals in many fields. He observed that "the most important difference between the amateurs and the three High Performance groups is that the future high performers seek out teachers and advisors and undergo supervised training, which the amateurs rarely do”

Unlocking your true potential and achieving remarkable success often hinges on one critical factor – accountability. The power of an accountability partner or coach is undeniable. Imagine having someone by your side  who's committed to ensuring you stay on track and remain honest with yourself. In my case, I have found it helpful to get an outsider's perspective that can give fresh ideas to challenges you are facing. When you are faced with challenges with your pipeline generation or conversion rate, your own assessment is clouded by your own ego, and the limitation of the few years of experience you have, if you’re a young professional like me. You can sidestep and prevent many mistakes with the guidance of personal coaching.

Have you thought about getting one?

You'll find it challenging to identify accomplished individuals who haven't leveraged coaching in critical aspects of their lives.

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